
Sunday 2 June 2024

Somewhere between one and more than one

Cooper: Labour wants to cut migration levels but we have no specific target

Labour has refused to set specific targets on how it wants to reduce net migration to the UK should it win the General Election.

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said the party wants to see “significant changes” and is clear that net migration “must come down”.

But she stopped short of setting a target, saying the Conservatives have failed when they have done so and arguing that “variations” each year – such as the war in Ukraine – must also be considered.

In which case, Labour has committed to reducing migrant levels by at least one. Maybe they have a particular person in mind. 

It's a weird business where political parties base their appeal on claims nobody but a dimwit would believe. Maybe this means there are more dimwits than any democracy can cope with.


Sam Vega said...

Any promises they make, or targets they set, are hostages to fortune. Labour will have them thrown back in their faces if and when they can't deliver. And they can't, and they know it, as they are the party that will simply go along with the civil service, NGO and media Blob.

It's easier to let the Tories knock themselves out with daft unreachable targets. Labour will of course be criticised for letting things deteriorate, but by that time they will be in office and can get away with blaming the Tories for a couple of years.

A K Haart said...

Sam - "Labour will of course be criticised for letting things deteriorate, but by that time they will be in office and can get away with blaming the Tories for a couple of years."

Yes, then the Tories will do the same. It's a weird business.