
Friday 14 June 2024

A thoroughly modern crisis

Mum forced to navigate brambly path or busy road with pushchair on school run

A mother has complained about overgrown verges after the brambles injured her young daughter's hand, forcing her to take a dangerous route across a main road on her daily school runs.

"I cannot push my babies or walk my nine-year-old through this. My toddler touched a thorn few weeks back as we were walking to school and yet nothing is being done."

She said it is "absolutely awful" and that she and other parents have had no choice but to cross the busy road instead and access the school via a different route. "We get some horrible looks from drivers crossing that bit. It's dreadful," she adds.

I hope "Sir" Keir Starmer does something about this and takes personal charge of the brambly path crisis. He could even borrow my hedge trimmer if necessary, nip down to Redruth with a camera crew and boost his electoral chances even further. Come on "Sir" Keir, just do it! 

Interesting use of the word "forced" there.


Sam Vega said...

Clearly these are thorns that have been taxed on the private school run, and have had to transfer to the state school run.

A K Haart said...

Sam - that's where they will flourish too, instead of being neatly trimmed.

James Higham said...

Thorny problem.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Cut the brambles yourself and dump the 'trimmings' in the Council leaders garden?

I'm a great believer in sharing the pain.

A K Haart said...

James - but not for the brambles.

DJ - good idea, it's a variation of the Nudge Unit.

Bucko said...

It doesn't look that bad, so my first instinct would be to suggest she pops down there with a pair of cutter things and sorts the issue out herself. Trouble is, she'd likely be arrested for criminal damage or some such

A K Haart said...

Bucko - I'd get hold of a cheap hi-vis vest to look vaguely official and do it myself.

dearieme said...

It's time to call in Keith Strimmer, Shadow Minister for Open Spaces and Grassy Verges.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - maybe he'll do away with brambles altogether, then change his mind and claim brambles are good for us.

Vatsmith said...

For years I've carried a small pair of secateurs while out walking to deal with annoying overgrown paths. Yes, it would be nice if the Council could afford to pay 'men' to do it but as we all know the country's skint.

A K Haart said...

Vatsmith - I carry a small pair of secateurs when out walking too. They work well for cutting back brambles, fold up and are small enough to carry in a pocket.