
Monday 5 August 2024

The value of guarantees

I guarantee you will regret taking part, Starmer tells rioters

Sir Keir Starmer has told rioters they will regret taking part in disorder as unrest continued for a fifth day.

In an emergency address from Downing Street, the Prime Minister said that he would do “whatever it takes to bring these thugs to justice as quickly as possible” amid violence that has spread since the Southport killings.


dearieme said...

I don't understand. Why isn't he taking the knee to them? Or is he a racist, taking the knee only for foreign black rioters?

DiscoveredJoys said...

I don't see anyone caught up in the emotion of the moment paying any attention to a 'suit'.

Strange how Labour have used authoritarian language previously expected of Conservatives.

Paul Bailey said...

I, for one, am enjoying this rioting immensely. It's the class war the left have been demanding for decades, except it's the wrong sort of class for them.
It hasn't taken long for Two-tier Keir to be exposed as a shallow imbecile with all the values and backbone of a soggy dorito.
Never forget this duplicitous cunt took the knee for BLM two days after cops had been battered senseless by them.

Sam Vega said...

I guarantee he'll regret becoming PM.

This could be quite an interesting new party game!

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I don't understand either, unless the rioters are not rioting hard enough for him to take the knee to them. Or as you suggest, he's a racist.

DJ - I can't see them paying any attention to a 'suit' either, and Starmer certainly comes across as a typical 'suit'.

Paul - yes it's the wrong sort of class war, this kind of thing is supposed to happen under the Tories.

Sam - he never looked comfortable as Labour leader, no wonder he was hoping to nip off on holiday.

Tammly said...

Well the feeling's mutual, we regret that he was voted into office.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - and even some Labour voters must wonder if they shouldn't have bothered.

johnd said...

The establishment should heed the words of Bomber Harris when he quoted the Bible. "They have sown the wind, now they are reaping the whirlwind"
Perhaps this may help, ( fat chance) to help curb the influx of illegals.

A K Haart said...

John - it may just help, although they will never admit it.

Tammly said...

I wish we'd had someone to quickly bring justice to the progressive left for destroying our society. We could get Starmer, Blair and Brown, but unfortunately not Jenkins, Crossland and Williams etc.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - Starmer, Blair and Brown would be a good start though.