
Sunday 11 August 2024




Nobby Socrates said...

Only vaguely sub related but I once squired a charming young lady recently divorced from her brutish husband. What tipped her over the edge was his regularly bedtime habit of throwing the duvet over her head and breaking wind loudly whilst shouting " Depth charge incoming. " I'm ashamed to say I laughed out loud and instantly realised our courtship was doomed.

Tammly said...

I was going to say def not the UK, probably Germany. Wonder where they were taking it? In Britain we would have flooded it to its destination on a wave of progressive ideology.

A K Haart said...

Nobby - a man who didn't laugh could easily have worse faults.

Tammly - or it would have rusted away during the planning stage.

Anonymous said...

It could be on it's way to Portsmouth to help protect the nation while all 6 (who tells the enemy how many we have?) RN submarines are in port having their AAA batteries replaced?

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - that's a possibility, although I hear they are thinking of upgrading the AAA batteries to AA. That should make the world tremble.