
Wednesday 14 August 2024

Don't fall for an okey-doke

A question from the video description -

Does anyone know what it means to fall for an okey-doke?



DiscoveredJoys said...

Perhaps she was referring to the Hokey Pokey? A traditional dance with an uncertain history with the lyrics becoming popularized every now and again.

Perhaps she would not care to fall for the okey doke unless the lyrics were to be refreshed:

I put my left boot in,
I put my left boot in,
In again, in again.
Foaming at the mouth.

Yes, it's a stretch - but we are talking about Kamala Harris.

James Higham said...

We’re truly now in the era of the bizarre and turned upside down.

A K Haart said...

DJ - ha ha, it's not a stretch at all, as you say we are talking about Kamala Harris.

A K Haart said...

James - yes we are and it's too easy to become familiar with it.