
Sunday 25 August 2024

We already knew about things getting worse

Sir Keir Starmer: Prime minister to say things 'will get worse before it gets better' in key speech

Sir Keir will continue Labour's attacks on the previous government, saying the situation is "worse than we ever imagined" as they "inherited not just an economic black hole but a societal black hole."


I do not blame myself for anything. I am a result, not a cause.

Sherwood Anderson - Windy McPherson's Son (1916)


DiscoveredJoys said...

But will Two Tier Kier dare describe what 'better' means to him?

If it means constrained speech, uncontrolled 'irregular' immigration , and taxes raised until everybody squeaks, then I guess I hope for a different 'better'. A more traditional one perhaps?

Sam Vega said...

When he's sorted the economic black hole and the societal black hole, he can make a start on the black holes in the roads.

And I reckon someone ought to advise him to steer clear of the racist language when he's doing it.

decnine said...

I half believe him.

dearieme said...

Two Tier seems to have two chins. Comes to us all with age, I suppose. Unlike wisdom.

A K Haart said...

DJ - yes, his notion of 'better' probably wouldn't survive close inspection. Two Tier Better is on the way.

Sam - I was mildly surprised at their choice of words, but maybe it had to be a dramatic discovery they never suspected.

decnine - I half believe him too. I fully believe he'll deliver that half.

dearieme - he could try growing a beard, although he doesn't look like a natural beardie.

James Higham said...

The man is an utter, lying menace.

A K Haart said...

James - and we won't have seen the worst of it yet.

Tammly said...

I can see the 'things getting worse' bit, the other part, not so much.

Macheath said...

As so often, Kipling has the perfect phrase for what is going on:

‘…So, when his Folly opens
The unnecessary hells,
A Servant when He Reigneth
Throws the blame on some one else’

A K Haart said...

Tammly - me too. The tedious part is waiting for them to admit it by blaming something or somebody.

Macheath - "The unnecessary hells,"
That's horribly apt, but yes it's so unnecessary.