
Sunday 18 August 2024

Rapid Sprint

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper to crack down on people 'pushing hateful beliefs'

The Home Office has said it will "kickstart" an initiative to "tackle the threat posed by extremist ideologies".

The Home Office has commissioned a "rapid sprint" to develop a new approach to countering extremism.

As opposed to a "slow sprint" I suppose.

But mission-creep possibilities seem to be so inevitable that we may be tempted to see it as intentional. Those awful people who refer to Ms Cooper as "Pixie" for example, they could soon be in the firing line.

And what about those who speak of Starmer's rabble as "The Cabinet" as if they are a cupboard full of discarded curiosities with no relevance to modern life?

Those with the temerity to refer to refer to Keir Starmer as Kir Rong-un are even worse.


The Jannie said...

All those of the preferred groups will be exempt, of course. Therefore preferred racial groups, preferred religions and preferred shouty nutters of all stripes can all rest easy knowing they are preferred by Sheer Karma and his Frankfurt-following nonentities.

Anonymous said...

I understand that the word "misoginy" is used quite a lot in Cooper's ramblings, but the word "misandry" doesn't get a mention. Mistakenly left out of the topic? I

dearieme said...

I hope Two-Tier changes his Home Shrewcetary.

Sam Vega said...

Hateful beliefs, you say?

Does that mean beliefs expressing hatred, or beliefs which somebody else hates? Personally, I hate lemon curd. Will I be able to express that? And what if I hate what Sir Kia believes? Will he be jailed?

It looks like a real mess. Don't the new government have any decent lawyers to hand?

DiscoveredJoys said...

There are two tier ideologies. Our ideologies cannot possibly be hateful (they are merely justified class war)... everyone else is in the grip of hateful ideologies.

In my opinion Labour actually have no self awareness at all.

A K Haart said...

Jannie - yes, even-handed isn't how it will be.

Penseivat - yes, the word 'misandry' seems to be so rare in mainstream media that many readers and viewers would probably have to look it up.

dearieme - he seems to have shared the poisoned chalice around quite equitably - with luck his Home Shrewcetary may be one of the first to realise that.

Sam - ha ha, they certainly don't appear to have any decent lawyers because you are right, it looks like a real mess. Anything could be illegal, but that may be the point.

DJ - I agree, what we see is a self awareness bypass. Weirder and weirder, because one or two of them are supposed to be intelligent.

James Higham said...

Oh I've come over all Two Tier all of a sudden ... is that hateful?

A K Haart said...

James - it could be one day, but anything could.