
Monday 5 August 2024

Fake Economic Growth



James Higham said...

We are being lied to on all things ... by limited people.

Sam Vega said...

Kissin is absolutely excellent. I always enjoy his articles, and he's very quick-witted in debate.

The point about strawberry-picking is interesting. The same, apparently, applies to car-washes. I wish I could relocate an article I saw recently, but it points out that the number of automatic car-washes in this country has fallen from nearly 20,000 to about 5,000. Afghans are washing our cars, and so there is absolutely no pressure to innovate, which is how progress happens. In other countries, they are busy making automatic car washes quicker, cleaner, safer, and cheaper. Why don't we get rid of our mobile phones and have third-worlders running errands for us with a cleft stick? They could also act out our favourite films. My favourite is Zulu, by the way.

A K Haart said...

James - yes it has to be the default assumption.

Sam - yes Kissin is very good, very sharp and to the point. The car wash issue ought to be embarrassing in view of claims that most employ immigrants on low pay with no H&S and so on, yet apparently it isn't embarrassing enough to be sorted.

It feels deliberate, as if both major political parties and the establishment see more gains than losses for several reasons. They don't seem to understand the benefits of innovation at all.

Doonhamer said...

I do wish that the "spoken word" blogs, Youtubes, Gabs, etc. would give transcriptions or in other words, the text, of they have written/typed in order to give us their spoken words.
I am of a generation more used to reading good arguments.
But to the point.
When the most in your face (so positioned by the MSM) political, medical, military, educational, judicial, scientific (but for some strange reason not the agricultural and fishery) lie for at least half the time it is difficult to tell when we are being told the truth. Or even if.
My resemblance to Victor Meldrew increases, to my wife's annoyance, as I mutter at the telly.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - I don't know if it's all of them, but some YouTube videos like this one have a transcript you can display. Not particularly readable though, because it's line by line with each line time-stamped. I'm not sure how accurate it is though.

Yes it's mostly lies from the MSM, usually lies of omission because that works quite well for them. I have a Victor Meldrew streak too, in fact Mrs H mentioned it only the other day. "I don't belieeeve it" she said to me after I'd moaned about something or other.