
Sunday 18 August 2024

Not the word I'd use

Clapping for NHS in pandemic may have been 'dangerous', health watchdog says

Clapping for the NHS in the COVID pandemic may have been "dangerous" because "no organisation can be a national religion", the health service ombudsman has said.

Rebecca Hilsenrath also warned that "no organisation should be beyond constructive criticism".

I'm sure there are many better words than 'dangerous', but in the sense used here it does seem to be a slight crack in the wall.

Maybe it was dangerously gullible.
Or dangerously servile.
Or dangerously silly.


Tammly said...

My bet would be dangerously silly. I certainly didnt do it.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - yes it was silly, unearned praise.

James Higham said...

Get the clap?

Sam Vega said...

In Petersfield they still have "Thank you NHS" slogans as road markings; done just as professionally as the useful stuff telling motorists to slow down or get into lane. I wonder who authorised them (presumably the local authority). I also wonder who they are aimed at - just the passing NHS personnel who drive over them, or are they intended to cause a little spasm of grateful memory for all who see them? But I don't wonder about who paid for them.

A K Haart said...

James - not me :)

Sam - and it's so easy to draw on past experience and imagine the kind of people who would think that was a good idea. That's a thought which causes a little spasm.