
Friday 30 August 2024

Where the soul is

Labour general election manifesto pledges to ‘drive innovation’

Shadow Tech Secretary promises to “place technology at heart of our missions and unblock tech barriers to restart engine of our economy”

Ah yes, but this is where Keir Starmer's soul is to be found - useless paperwork.

Pensioners face 'daunting' task of answering 243-question form to get winter fuel payment

The charity director of Age UK told the Sky News Money blog that completing the 22-page form would "pose a challenge for many".


Bucko said...

I would be fine if it was the Government that was bogged down with paperwork and couldn't get anything done. It's always the people who've piad bucketloads of tax for their entire lives though

dearieme said...

'Wilson warned his audience that if the country was to prosper, a "new Britain" would need to be forged in the "white heat" of this "scientific revolution".' So it's back to the sixties, chaps.

I suspect that most people remember it, or misremember it, as the "White Heat of the Technological Revolution." Not that it matters. All we got out of it was a supersonic airliner that was a commercial disaster (as it was always bound to be).

None of the so-and-sos knew anything about science and engineering anyway.

The Jannie said...

"completing the 22-page form would "pose a challenge for many".

Now you know why it ws designed the way it was.

Sam Vega said...

The 22 page document comes with a small amount of kindling wood, but the pensioners have to source the coal themselves.

A K Haart said...

Bucko - yes, imposing it on everyone else is the point, then they add more if anyone gets on top of it all.

dearieme - and the so-and-sos still don't know anything about science and engineering and apparently don't wish to know.

Jannie - and why it will be even longer in future,

Sam - but they will be given a colourful leaflet about heat pumps too,

Tammly said...

He also said in the speech, that there would be no room for outdated practices. How well that intention worked out.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - Starmer may have taken heed of that one, taking it to mean outdated notions such as the scientific method.