
Thursday 15 August 2024

Obviously caused by climate change

London's gonorrhoea rate doubles in decade amid warning of antibiotic resistant cases

London’s gonorrhoea rate has doubled in a decade, new figures show, as health authorities warned of a concerning rise in an antibiotic resistant strain of the disease.

Analysis by the Standard found that the diagnostic rate for the sexually transmitted infection (STI) had jumped by 133 per cent from 2013 to 2023 – the highest rate of any region in England.

If we refer to the Directory of Official Causes, then climate change seems to be the most likely culprit here. Clearly it could be NHS underfunding, fossil fuels, Tory cuts, the far-right, online trolls or hate speech but climate change is my guess. 


The Jannie said...

To quote Barry Humphries; give them the clap they so richly deserve"

A K Haart said...

Jannie - ah yes, the inimitable Barry Humphries.

Nobby Aristotle said...

Apropos of sod all I bought a large bag of on the cusp Best Before shitake mushrooms from the cheapo fridge in my local Co-op tonight for 55p and fried them up with a little butter and olive oil and served them up to Mrs Aristole on a couple of slices of sourdough toast. They were delicious.
Dinner for two for less than a quid.
Next time some cretinous Labour supporter bleats about the poor working class tell them to shove it up their hole.
Bloomin 'shrooms were not even organic. I can rough it as good as anyone.

A K Haart said...

Nobby - mushrooms on toast is one of our favourites, especially the large ones which fry up to a juicy texture. Yes, cheap food is easy enough to prepare from all kinds of cheap ingredients. Pasta with olive oil, pepper and garlic, grated cheese and a can of tuna for example.

dearieme said...

I hope that's "whale-friendly" tuna.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - even better, it's Tesco and usually on 'special offer'.