
Thursday 1 August 2024

It's grab a headline time

Culture Secretary to hold urgent meeting with BBC boss after Huw Edwards indecent images admission

Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy will hold an urgent meeting with BBC boss Tim Davie after Huw Edwards admitted accessing indecent images of children.

It comes after the corporation said it knew of the veteran broadcaster’s arrest on “suspicion of serious offences” in November, but continued employing him until April.

Can't be particularly urgent and nothing to do with culture unless it's about getting rid of the BBC, but if a headline is there to be grabbed...

In any event there may be no point Ms Nandy whizzing round to the Beeb in the ministerial limo hoping to nab a few celebrity autographs, she is quite likely to find there is nobody to answer the door as they are all at the Olympics. 


James Higham said...

Otherwise known as the silly season.

DiscoveredJoys said...

As unpleasant as the allegations were they were still just allegations. To suspend people without pay implies judgement in advance of any legal investigation. All very Orwellian and typical of collective politics.

I guess we know why 'the Left' want to defund the police in the USA. You don't need police if the opinions of a party member are sufficient.

dearieme said...

Ms Nandy, when younger, banged on about how northern lassies like her felt excluded from British public life. She instance a school visit to the House of Commons and seeing stuff the likes of which she'd never seen before.

She suppressed the fact that one of her grandfathers sat in the Lords.

A K Haart said...

James - which is quite long these days.

DJ - the US Left also seems intent on making sure that the judicial process is the punishment, whatever the outcome in court. It seems to be part of a political trend towards dissolving the separation of powers.

dearieme - I'd forgotten that, I believe she was criticised for it at the time. Strange how political Northerners are so untrustworthy.