
Friday 16 August 2024

Gail’s customers

Gail’s customers told to pay £1 extra for day-old croissants

Upmarket bakery chain Gail’s has come under fire for selling chocolate almond croissants for almost £4 despite them being reheated pastries that went unsold the day before.

The retailer lists the almond pastry as part of its “Waste Not” range, which means it is made using leftover croissants that are then “topped with almond frangipane and flaked almonds”.

Nothing wrong with that, some of us were brought up on the idea that leftovers can be made into a meal for the following day. Rissoles, bubble and squeak, soups and so on. Gail’s customers need to toughen up and help save the planet by scoffing lots of day-old croissants.

I'll stick with coffee and brand new dark chocolate though. 


Nobby Aristotle said...

I love the fact that gentrified areas like - as we Londoners used to say - fahking Wolfenstow - are now objecting to Gail's Bakery which has built its fortune on providing expensive shite to precisely those areas.
Eventually the woke will eat themselves, enabled by Starmer - described by one of my boozing buddies tonight as Mavis " well I don't really know " Riley off that Cornonation Street.
I am so looking forward to the next five years of Labour, being Labour, and providing endless entertainment while they drive the economy down the shit pipe.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Such customer reactions leave me unmoved. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Job done.

See also electric vehicles, heat pumps etc.

James Higham said...

Or failing that … banana on butter brioche.

A K Haart said...

Nobby - I'm looking forward to the next five years of Labour too. Voters have to learn and Starmer's rabble seems set to deliver a hard but memorable lesson.

DJ - it would be interesting to know how many moans such stories are built on. One or two would be a good starting guess.

James - I've never tried it, but it sounds as if it would go with coffee.

Anonymous said...

Day old croissants or pastries? Offer to buy them forg half price, then dip them in hot chocolate just before bed time. Lovely!

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - sounds delicious. I imagine honey would be quite good too.