
Sunday 4 August 2024

Nothing to see here

Nancy Pelosi Discloses Buying 10,000 Nvidia Shares After Bipartisan Senators Introduce Bill to Ban Trades

She and Paul have been criticised for supposedly making trades based on insider information. The former speaker has continued to reject the idea of new legislation, stating in 2021 that "we are a free-market economy."...

Nancy Pelosi is popular among investors tracking Congressional trades, given her impressive returns of an estimated 700% since May 2014. The high returns have prompted several institutions to track the portfolios of Congress members and even issue ETFs aligned with their trades.

Many people will already be aware of this, but it is a useful reminder of just one of the issues Donald Trump may be up against. For years it has been obvious that some of the establishment hostility towards him may be fear of an anti-corruption drive and what it could uncover.


Sam Vega said...

Nothing annoys a chap more than having his racket exposed and stopped.

A K Haart said...

Sam - it's almost offensive.