
Tuesday 6 August 2024

Streaks ahead

North-South divide for public EV charger availability threatens to leave behind parts of the UK in the electric revolution

There are almost 65,000 public electric vehicle charging points available across the UK but an uneven distribution across the country threatens to restrict uptake in undersupplied regions, new figures show.

Oh dear, what a pity, never mind.

England's worrying North-South divide

Unsurprisingly, London has the highest availability of EV charging points anywhere across England.

Official records show there are 234 chargers per 100,000 population, which is streaks ahead of the rest of the country for infrastructure.

Streaks ahead eh? Could mean 'streets' but it sounds as if there may be an Olympics fantasy in there somewhere. Although we're in fantasy land with this anyway, it's where Ed Miliband lives. He's streaks ahead of the rest of us. 


James Higham said...

Never free of these streakers.

Sam Vega said...

"Some parts of the North of England have almost half the number of chargers per 100,000 people compared to areas in the South."

Add to that the fact that sparser population means that there's a greater chance of being stranded on the High Cheviot or the flatlands of North Humberside, those northerners are going to need all their famed economic acumen.

Ey Oop, caveat emptor, all you daft tykes.

dearieme said...

Milibrain? Streaks? Oh Lord, it's a bacon joke.

A K Haart said...

James - which is a pity in some cases.

Sam - it sounds as if Northern Powerhouse isn't keeping up with developments.

dearieme - it nearly became one, complete with photo.

Doonhamer said...

Affluence and employer bought or subsidised. And probably free charging.
The battery car is nice as a tax free, virtue signalling, city runabout, with the RangeRover as the car for serious journeys.
If you live in isolated country area you need something that will work reliably all year round, through snowbound long winters, power cuts. You will probably not be too affluent either.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - yes, we need relatively free markets where people buy what suits their circumstances without diktats from ideological loons.