
Sunday 4 August 2024

To borrow or buy a sound mind

I haven’t watched a second of it, but the Olympics circus doesn’t seem to be going too well. For some reason I’m reminded of this quote from long ago.

No man is able to borrow or buy a sound mind; in fact, as it seems to me, even though sound minds were for sale, they would not find buyers. Depraved minds, however, are bought and sold every day.

Seneca - Letters From A Stoic: Epistulae Morales AD Lucilium (c. 65 AD)


Sam Vega said...

Yes, sound minds are on offer. But the depraved don't see the benefit because they are...well, they're depraved. Being unable to see reality and understand other minds, and how those minds might be better than ours, might even be the measure of depravity.

How are those cabinet meetings going, Sir Keir?

A K Haart said...

Sam - I hope Rayner, Lammy and Miliband are pulling their weight, Sir Keir.

dearieme said...

Given that Sir Kneel as DPP managed to overlook such trivia as the Post Office Horizon scandal, and the Jimmy Savile business, it's remarkable that he managed to fit in a two minute photo op in Southport.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - almost as if he's Blair Minor but without the craft, the luck or the team of astute spivs.