
Tuesday 27 August 2024

Starmer signals

Starmer signals pain and 'unpopular decisions' to fix Britain

Prime Minister Keir Starmer said on Tuesday he would have to take unpopular decisions, raising the possibility of "painful" taxes on the wealthy and spending cuts to try to fix Britain's myriad of problems he blamed on Conservative misrule.

"There is a budget coming in October, and it's going to be painful. We have no other choice ... Those with the broader shoulders should bear the heavier burden," he said in a speech to voters he met during the election campaign, referring to a fiscal statement due on Oct. 30.

"We have inherited not just an economic black hole but a societal black hole and that is why we have to take action and do things differently. Part of that is being honest with people about the choices we face and how tough this will be," he said.

From this and earlier indications, Starmer and co. clearly intend to bloat the public sector even further, principally because they believe in it and don't know how to do anything else. The remarkable HS2 pantomime is to be repeated on an even grander scale. 

The man is an uninspiring, unimaginative bureaucrat, still clinging like Corbyn to his teenage ideology. In spite of the supposed educational differences between them, he seems to be less intelligent, less pragmatic, less politically astute than Angela Rayner - and that sentence took some writing.


Tammly said...

A third rate lawyer leading a cabinet of social workers. That will get the economy growing and right society's ills.

DiscoveredJoys said...

If good government is getting out of the way and bad government is getting in the way then Preposterous Starmer's warning is a sign that he doesn't know what is best for the country.

Sam Vega said...

I actually took the time to watch it live, thinking it was going to include a devastating crackdown on free speech, or start with "Salaam Aleykum" or somesuch.

Instead, it was just a pathetic attempt to fend off more criticism over the winter fuel fiasco, and a threat of more tax.

What I noticed was the fact that he unequivocally said that he had to reluctantly release prisoners early, so that he could lock up the far right rioters. Leaving aside the fact that there are far more dangerous people who he doesn't want to be locked up, the decision to release prisoners was announced on July 12th, whereas the riots didn't start until the end of the month. Utterly despicable liar.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - and he doesn't even see the lack of experience and ability.

DJ - he doesn't seem to care as long as his ideology dictates the policies. A quiet narcissist from what we've seen so far.

Sam - yes he is a liar and seems to have become known as a liar far too early. It's a trivial lie he could have avoided, but he seems to be unaware of the need to space them out.