
Tuesday 20 August 2024

The Spare



DiscoveredJoys said...

Rhetoric: The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.

Obama must weep,

Sam Vega said...

That's quite perceptive, and could, hopefully, catch on as a way of seeing her. It does make sense if you see her as pissed (in the English sense) for most of the time. I'm not sure whether she actually is, or whether she is to important issues of state what drunk people are to everyday life - incapable.

dearieme said...

I've decided to refer to her as Kahlúa Harris.

A K Haart said...

DJ - yes, Obama must wonder what she's playing at, or maybe he always knew how far she is from being capable of public speaking. Makes her even more dependent on her handlers of course.

Sam - my brother sent me a clip of one of here speeches and if she wasn't under the influence of something, she gave a very convincing imitation of it.

dearieme - ha ha, very good. Probably accurate too.

dearieme said...

"Makes her even more dependent on her handlers": Johnny Walker?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I don't know what her tipple is, but I bet it's about to become expensive.