
Friday 16 August 2024

GPs are demanding

GPs next in line for cash handout from Starmer

GPs are demanding an 11 per cent funding rise in the hope of becoming the latest group of public sector workers to secure a cash boost from Sir Keir Starmer.

Family doctors across the country are currently taking part in industrial action after the British Medical Association (BMA) threatened to bring the NHS to a “standstill” to gain increased funding for surgeries.

I don't know if it's merely a perception of change rather than real change, but stories such as this one seem to attract plenty of negative comments. In this case negative comments about personal experience of the GP service, as if fading respect for the profession is quite widespread.

It isn't only GPs of course, but also a wider dissatisfaction with social and political trends, official incompetence, media narratives and establishment attitudes to veracity. As if something big may be stirring just beyond the political horizon. It's not the far-right, but anyone paying attention knows that already.


dearieme said...

A young GP at my practice has lately gone out of her way to look after me. I am grateful of course but can't help speculating that her youth may imply that she has yet to have babies and swap to part-time working.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - all of our nine GPs work part-time, including the men. I don't know why, maybe it's enough for a comfortable life.

Anonymous said...

The part time working may be because, as I understand it, once their pension pot reaches a certain level, it becomes taxed, and GPs can afford to work part time for the NHS (and do private work the rest of the week), keeping their NHS pension pot manageable, and still have a good financial life. Nice work if you can get it.

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - yes, I expect it is something to do with tax and private work. I've also heard of a few young women GPs who find they can balance part-time work with raising a young family. As you say, nice work if you can get it.