
Saturday 24 August 2024

Climate silence

Harris-Walz push ‘climate silence’! WaPo: ‘Why Democrats are so quiet about climate change right now’ – Dem ‘Party leaders appear to have calculated that climate silence is the safest strategy’ as ‘most voters rank other issues as more important’

Washington Post: Vice President Kamala Harris and other Democrats have not made significant mentions of climate change or the environment in recent stump speeches. ...
Harris and other top Democrats have not highlighted climate change or the environment in recent stump speeches, including keynote remarks at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week. The split-screen approach suggests that Democrats see talking about the environment as a lose-lose proposition. If they call for curbing fossil fuel production to fight global warming, they risk alienating voters in Pennsylvania, a pivotal swing state where natural gas powers the economy. ...

With most voters ranking other issues as more important, and with Democrats wanting to paint a rosy picture of the future, party leaders appear to have calculated that climate silence is the safest strategy.

The interesting aspect is that saving the planet for us doesn't matter if not being elected is the price to be paid by them. Ed Miliband probably hasn't caught on yet, but his brother in the US may give him the nod.


DiscoveredJoys said...

I read 'keynote' as 'kryptonite'. An easy mistake to make.

Sam Vega said...

"If they call for curbing fossil fuel production to fight global warming, they risk alienating voters in Pennsylvania, a pivotal swing state where natural gas powers the economy. ..."

What softies they are! Just plunge right in and destroy jobs from day one. That's what Milipede did, and all it took was a few murders and riots and a Prime Ministerial attack on the white working class to keep it off the front pages.

Scrobs. said...

Just thinking about this on reading similar info elsewhere...

The world and his dog knew that the stupid Ed man was going to be all over the climate scam and make bills crash upwards, yet they voted for Labour just the same!

His trouble is that he can't keep his trap shut - it's a common failure among idiots!

A K Haart said...

DJ - well kryptonite is green - and red - and both could destroy the American Way.

Sam - I bet Milipede has already told his brother what softies they are over there.

Scrobs - yes he's been a known loon for years, the outcome of electing him was much more predictable than the climate.

dearieme said...

Never trust a man who was out-wrestled by a bacon sandwich.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - that's a point, he didn't even make a contest of it.

Tammly said...

And Jews are supposed to be the most intelligent race - jeez.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - he's one of the exceptions I suppose. Something about hard left politics perhaps.