
Thursday 20 June 2024


Boris Johnson to release bombshell new memoir as date it will hit shelves revealed

The publication date for Boris Johnson's hugely anticipated autobiography has been revealed, with the publishers promising it will "shatter the mould of the modern prime ministerial memoir".

Mr Johnson's memoir from his political career, including his time as London mayor and in Downing Street, will be released on October 10 this year. A newly-released book description promises expectant readers that it will be "written in his inimitable style".

I don't read political memoirs but this one is tempting. Will it be...

Reliable?  Hardly.

Readable and amusing?  Bound to be.


James Higham said...

Report to us what happens. ☺️

A K Haart said...

James - if I buy it I shall.

Sam Vega said...

This is one book we will be able to judge by its cover. On the dust-jacket will be a close-up of him looking Churchillian. There will be lots of exciting quotes from reviews, describing it as "ground-breaking" and "inimitable". It will start well and maintain the reader's interest, but you will feel you want your money back by Chapter 4.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I hope not, but I'll be reading reviews first, although trustworthy reviews could be hard to find.