
Sunday 23 June 2024


Labour to scrap ban on gas boilers in blow to heat pump rollout: 'We're in a cost of living crisis!'

The existing gas boiler ban in favour of heat pumps will be scrapped if the Labour Party wins the General Election, according to Shadow Energy Secretary Ed Miliband.

Heat pumps have been considered as a viable option to bring down energy bills and reach Net Zero goals. Currently, the Conservative-led Government has pledged to phase out traditional boilers with the environmentally-friendly devices despite concerns over the cost of installations.

Nearly all heat generated to keep Britons warm comes from traditional gas boilers installed in 25 million homes and oil-powered alternatives fitted into up to million overs.

Presumably the planet is now doomed to certain destruction by waves of unprecedented heat, but that is an entirely acceptable price for winning the UK general election. 

Or Ed Miliband is even less reliable than the famous chocolate teapot, but he and his teapot cronies have finally realised that Net Zero is a very poisonous poisoned chalice indeed.    

In passing, we may as well note the phrase "traditional gas boilers" as opposed to "efficient and inexpensive boilers."


Sam Vega said...

Predictably, it's nothing to do with Miliband's erstwhile cretinism; heat pumps remain a fine idea. If only those nasty Tories hadn't caused a cost of living crisis, we could be half way to cheap clean green energy for all.

dearieme said...

When I first realised that Yanks use the dramatic "furnace" for our humdrum "boiler" I chuckled.

Then I realised that at least "furnace" isn't inaccurate whereas "boiler" is.

Anyway we use neither. Got an Aga, we have. And at last we've turned if off for the summer, weeks later than usual.

James Higham said...

Boiler’s working nicely here on timer.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I think those nasty Tories made heat pumps too expensive so people would get the wrong idea about green energy.

dearieme - when I originally came across the US use of the word "furnace", I still remember how I imagined some huge thing in the basement consuming vast amounts of wood or coal.

James - ours is working nicely too. Very reliable.

Tammly said...

Someone, I can't remember who, called Ed Miliband, the most expensive politician in British parliamentary history.

decnine said...

There is no Cost of Living Crisis.

There definitely is a Cost of Government Crisis.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - whoever it was was right. He's an absurd man, shouldn't be in politics or any other area of responsibility.

decnine - I agree, government has become stupidly expensive. We can't afford what we have, let alone more of it.

Bucko said...

One good policy proposal from Labour (that they will certainly never go back on)? Well I might just vote for them now


A K Haart said...

Bucko - yes, a vote for Labour is a crazy vote. Nothing they say is reliable.