
Wednesday 19 June 2024

Tea with a buzz

Premium tea products recalled because some 'contain insects'

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) say retailers TK Maxx and Homesense are recalling selected batches of Kintra Foods Organic Premium Leaf Teas.

"Insects may be present in these products, which makes them unsafe to consume," according to the watchdog.

The three varieties being recalled are Calm & Relax, Chamomile, and Sleepy. They were on sale in the stores between April and June this year.

As we are encouraged to look favourably on a Net Zero insect diet, maybe this tea is an experimental product aimed at a yet to be exploited virtue-signalling protein tea for a low carbon future. A tea where we are no longer threatened by bovine flatulence.

'Sleepy' could even be a premium tea aimed at boosting Joe Biden's US presidential election prospects, showing he has no intention of wandering off-message.  


James Higham said...

Ground up insects in the tea … had to come.

DiscoveredJoys said...

No, if the Net Zero puritans get their way tea will not be allowed at all. Too many air/sea miles, and so much the result of colonialism and exploitation. Insects will only be allowed if they are home grown - you wouldn't want to be complicit with environmental appropriation would you?

/despairing sarcasm

Sam Vega said...

"Insects may be present in these products, which makes them unsafe to consume," according to the watchdog.

Who ever trusted what a dog thought? They eat all sorts of rubbish.

A K Haart said...

James - soon to be a UN approved additive.

DJ - I'm surprised tea and coffee haven't been targeted for that reason. Maybe coffee keeps them going.

Sam - good point, I wouldn't trust a dog when it comes to dietary advice. Ours used to eat horse poo.