
Saturday 22 June 2024

But it doesn't apply to me

Emma Thompson backs Just Stop Oil at London march as protesters boo 'all politicians'

Asked if she supported the controversial climate action campaign group, the actress replied: "I think I support anyone who fights this extraordinary battle."

Dame Emma Thompson has backed Just Stop Oil, just days after the climate action group attacked Stonehenge with orange paint.

Dame Emma added: "We cannot take any more oil out of the ground. I mean, there's much argument about it. And I know there's a lot of very complicated economic arguments about it.

"We have to leave all the resources in the ground, we cannot bring them out of the ground."

Or maybe we can bring just enough resources out of the ground to allow celebrities to fly around the world telling us why we can't bring resources out of the ground... 

No it doesn't make sense.

The tediously familiar problem for sceptics lies in trying to analyse this nonsense. It's like arguing with children, there is no common ground securely based in the adult world where effect is linked to cause. Children take time to adjust to this aspect of adult life, but clearly the adjustment doesn't apply to every adult.


Anonymous said...

If you think oil comes from dinosaurs go sit with that man who gave birth to a baby

dearieme said...

Do you remember a time, before 2020, when she declared she was finished with Britain and huffed off to live in Italy, purportedly forever?

Then when Covid broke out she fled Italy to install herself in her retreat in the Highlands. I wonder what that residence is heated with.

Sam Vega said...

Yes, children say silly or funny things when they apply an unequipped mind to adult situations that require knowledge and some capacity for reason. They make a judgement about some issue, but cannot make the preliminary judgement as to whether they should be making any judgement at all.

Thompson and the other celebrities are in a similar situation. If only they could pause and think "Am I in any way qualified to advise people on this?"

A K Haart said...

Anon - does she think that?

dearieme - yes I do remember her flouncing off to Italy then her retreat in the Highlands. Maybe flouncing off is how she moves from one residence to another, but I bet the Highlands retreat isn't heated in a way she'd like to make public

Sam - it's as if fashionable discourse rules her social circle more rigidly than we might imagine. Step out of line and you could be someone on the way down and the stream of invitations might suddenly dry up. Agents and publicists may insist on clients not going radical on them. In that respect, batty climate nonsense is okay.

DiscoveredJoys said...

@Sam Vega

"Never argue with stupid people because they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

Most celebrities count as 'stupid people' because their skills are in being 'famous' not actually anything practical. And to be a celebrity (for more than 15 minutes) they have to polish their no-nothing narcissism as an aid to getting to the top. Look at me! Look at me!

Tammly said...

You may be on to something here. Emma Thompson may be a woke female scientist/technologist who is developing the Flounce Craft - a new kind of machine which can travel the world using effrontery instead of oil.

decnine said...

I wonder when JSO bought the Supreme Court?

The Jannie said...

Oh, how I hate uninformed, self-obsessed, champagne socialists.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I sometime think that any attempt to argue with Emma Thompson would be countered by her acting ability which is not dissimilar to how the narrative is presented more generally - as an act.

Tammly - that's a good idea, a Flounce Craft running on effrontery would appeal numerous celebrities. Some of them could keep it up in the air for months at a time.

decnine - it would be no surprise if a number of JSO activists are socially connected to such people and they essentially think alike.

Jannie - so do I, they degrade the political landscape.

Scrobs. said...

I thought I'd mentioned that I've referred you to Scrobs with a ditty attached...

Apols for laxity etc etc...

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - thanks, I've just left a comment.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that Thompson's next role involves being a hypocrite. Something she is quite capable of being.

Doonhamer said...

The Flounce Craft. Thankyou. As soon as I read that I thought of her in a voluminous crinoline dress moving about the lower atmosphere with the same motion as a jellyfish.
Similar I.Q.
By the way 'n' that, do Americans say jellofish?

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - should be pleasantly relaxing for her, no acting involved.

Doonhamer - good point, jellofish sounds right so I looked it up. Apparently there's a play called Jellofish.