
Sunday 14 April 2024

Why do people prefer others to run their lives?

Thomas Sowell interviewed thirty years ago. His message is even more relevant today.


Sam Vega said...

Sowell seemed to intuit that he was being set up there, or at least being invited to set a trap for himself. "Don't listen to those experts, listen to me!". To his credit, he avoided that. His intelligence is practical, not just academic.

Perhaps the age of experts is drawing to a close, at least where it matters. The trick is to know which experts are worth listening to and following, and which are the malign ones whose desire to control outstrips their benevolence. We have access to summaries of debates (i.e. "experts" telling us about sea levels rising) and also our own experience (memories of seaside holidays 60-odd years ago and the high-tide mark being static over that time).

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes he did detect that he was being set up, although the interviewer seemed to think that this kind of hypocrisy was normal anyway. He seemed slightly puzzled at coming across someone who didn't play the game.