
Friday 26 April 2024

A whiff of something unwholesome

Rishi Sunak is nicer to me than Sir Keir Starmer, says Labour MP Rosie Duffield, claiming her party has an 'issue with women'

The Labour Party has an “issue with women”, Canterbury MP Rosie Duffield has said, adding that MPs on her side sometimes tried to sabotage her speeches in the House of Commons.

A well-known issue, but add this to the photo of "Sir" Keir Starmer's ostentatious kneeling with Angela Rayner and there is a whiff of something unwholesome surrounding the Labour leader. Flexibility is fine, but this is unprincipled flexibility with veracity being the principle. 


Sam Vega said...

It's like investing money on the stock exchange. If something looks as if it is going to be profitable in terms of vote-harvesting, he'll invest time and effort into it. There's little yield now from the NHS and schools, because people realise there's not a lot more that can be done. But railways looks like a good bet, because a lot of people are unhappy with their performance. BLM and the whole trans nonsense looked as if they would be really profitable, but lots of others are disinvesting and he got burned.

I wouldn't be surprised if he offers several billion pounds to be spent on caring for horses injured in London. A sure vote-winner, at the moment.

dearieme said...

My wife met Rishi once: a pleasant, agreeable young man, and obviously intelligent. She asked around: well liked in his constituency.

But when she challenged him on policy she was much less impressed.

It sounds to me as if he's in the wrong line: he should be Sir Humphrey not Jim Hacker.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I think you are right, it is like investing and railways are a good bet. Won't deliver for voters but could deliver short to medium term political gains. Lots of photo opportunities until the rot sets in.

dearieme - yes he comes across as pleasant, but possibly out of his depth because of that. As if he doesn't enjoy politics but originally saw it as a worthwhile challenge.