
Thursday 18 April 2024

Fear of scams

Millions of older people live in fear of scams and a huge number worry about answering the phone or front door

One in five older people fear picking up the phone and one in 10 worry about opening the front door in case it is a scammer, new research reveals.

Although anyone can be scammed, older people are at greater risk of becoming victims of certain kinds of fraud, particularly those who live alone or are cognitively impaired or recently bereaved, says Age UK.

I'm particularly afraid of that scam where unsuspecting folk are persuaded go to "polling stations" and give votes to people who shoved glossy leaflets through the door then don't deliver what they promised. That one has been going on for a long time and it's about time it was dealt with. 

Then there's that Net Zero scam where we are persuaded to pay a lot of money for electricity generation that doesn't work properly. 

And don't get me started on that GP business - what are they supposed to be?


The Jannie said...

"And don't get me started on that GP business"

Don't worry: in the horrific event that some antisemitic stalinist diversity promoters win the coming election, they'll throw more of our money at them . . .

dearieme said...

Nut Zero - why have I never seen this joke before?

Sam Vega said...

"My cousin, the Nigerian prince, has a huge amount of free stuff like surgery time, bus passes, and cold weather fuel allowances he wants to give away. But political enemies have illegally locked him up in Opposition Jail, so he needs your help in order to release those goodies..."

Tammly said...

Mrs Tammly got a scam phone call yesterday and was worried about it, so contacted various fraud guards and help lines to reassure herself. Trouble was, many of them spoke such bad English as to be unintelligible. Eventually she got advice from the bank and all was well. The impression we have come away with, is that if the communicants are slick and professional they're the scammers; if they are slow, incompetent and unintelligible they are the genuine officials.

DiscoveredJoys said...

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people for some of the time... but you only have to fool enough of the people long enough to get elected...

dearieme said...

The Telegraph

"Pensioner ‘shoots dead Uber driver’ unwittingly hired to pick up cash in blackmail scam
William Brock allegedly shot Loletha Hall several times at his home after he believed she was part of an extortion attempt"

A K Haart said...

Jannie - yes they'll throw money hoping for something to brag about but they won't get it.

dearieme - Princess Nut Nut?

Sam - ha ha, but that's how subtle it is.

Tammly - we just disconnect the call and assume that anyone genuine will leave a message.

DJ - and that's what they seem to work with. If enough people are fooled, the people who aren't don't matter.

dearieme - yes that was a tragedy, although from the photo Loletha Hall didn't look like someone threatening murderous extortion.

Anonymous said...

I paid £25, 4 weeks ago, for a book on how to avoid being scammed, but it hasn't arrived yet!

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - (: