
Friday 19 April 2024

Sioux chef

16th century cafe wins 'best fry-up in Derbyshire' award in recent poll

The cafe uses Derbyshire-sourced ingredients across the menu

A fantastic kitchen team consisting of Perry, head chef Simon Earl and Sioux chef Oliver Gillott operate out of the new kitchen.

I wonder if that's an AI spell checker spicing up the story a little? Or maybe wild buffalo sausage is on the menu.


dearieme said...

A boy named Sioux.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - rang a faint bell but I had to look it up.

DiscoveredJoys said...

You can get digital spell checkers and even digital grammar checkers. They don't always produce the results expected but at least they draw attention to possible difficulties.

Perhaps that's the next iteration of Artificial Intelligence skills - common sense checkers? Providing authors and artists with shot narratives.... 'Did you mean Sioux Chef? Typically the phrase most likely is Sous Chef'.

It could deflate a lot of political speeches though. 'Did you mean Investment? Typically money spent this way is day to day expenditure'.

Sam Vega said...

Have you met shy Anne, the waitress?

DiscoveredJoys said...

Nothing like Apache grasp of reality.

dearieme said...

Or Cherry Keys on the reception desk?

Vatsmith said...

One does wonder whether the Sioux Chef has any Commie Chefs working for him?

A K Haart said...

DJ -it certainly could deflate a lot of political speeches. "When you speak of clean energy you could mention how unreliable it is in case this is not widely understood".

Sam - is she the one engaged to Mo Hawk?

DJ - keeps us interested though (:

dearieme - got there before me.

Vatsmith - ha ha, probably.