
Tuesday 2 April 2024

A cascade of cans already kicked down the road

Sir Keir Starmer needs to level with voters - concrete change may only come in a second Labour term

While the Labour leader will look towards the local elections as an important staging post on his path to power, he may also be trying to manage expectations of what a future Labour government can do...

But beyond the drama of the Conservative fortunes and the prime minister's fate, what is also emerging in this election campaign is the secondary strap of Sir Keir's 'change' message.

When he says change, what he really means is patience, and that is perhaps the national conversation we are going to be having much more in the run-up to this general election.

If concrete change is only scheduled for a second Labour government, then it isn't easy to see what that "national conversation" would be about. A list of things Sir Keir's regime isn't going to achieve could be compiled now, which seems to leave a significant shortage of conversational material for the next five years.

A list of things Sir Keir's regime isn't going to talk about could also be compiled now, so that won't help the "national conversation" either. I suppose football is one possibility.


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

I think, as mentioned elsewhere today,I'm going to: -

"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come."...

And that will include reading any of the MSM and will certainly avoid the insufferable BBC, although I will want to come and chat with everyone here...!

DiscoveredJoys said...

After a Parliamentary term Labour MPs will perhaps be 'captured' both by the Blob and their own expectations of a continuing job. Change may not be so attractive by then as the comfort of the cosy club surrounds them.

Any change that does occur will perhaps be the 'Government Lite' we have already become accustomed too and find so disappointing about the current Government.

Bucko said...

I don't think the average voter thinks that far ahead. If their benefits haven't increased, their minimum wage doubled and the prices of their Sky TV package been fixed by the Government in the first four years, they will throw a tantrum

Doonhamer said...

Concrete Change will sink Surkeer if it contains anything that will fix the UK.
Our nation is a beast with too many leeches all sucking.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - yes, a quiet life seems more and more attractive. It's all very intrusive if you open the door to it.

DJ - the Blob and the Club will make membership too attractive for many Labour MPs and this may well upset those who see themselves as radicals. Splits seem inevitable and the Blob and the Club will have foreseen that too.

Bucko - I think you are right, in fact the whole rushing to Labour thing feels like a tantrum.

Doohamer - yes, too many leeches is the problem with no obvious way of tackling it. Whatever political parties claim, none of them know how to deal with it apart from joining in.