
Friday 26 April 2024

Fudge is in the air

You can ‘fly off on holidays and eat steak’ under net zero, says top climate adviser

Speaking as he leaves the role after six years, Chris Stark, the chief executive of the climate change committee, suggested he and others in the green sector had pushed too hard the idea that the shift required a radical transformation.

Instead people’s lives would not be that different in 2050, the target date for ending the UK’s contribution to climate change by cutting emissions to zero overall...

But he also said: “I’m not handing criticism out to any one party, I think there is a general retreat from owning this stuff on net zero.”

Another indication that fudge is in the air. No great surprise as the whole Net Zero narrative is compiled by fudge experts, but still interesting. When the music stops, who will be left without a chair?


Sam Vega said...

"They are investments, which pay back and they take us to a more productive economy, where there’s more sustainable jobs in the future.”

Yes mate, we've seen the clips here on EVs. Be stupid not to...

Scrobs. said...

"Net zero was “an investment strategy for the country”, he said, and “FOMO” – fear of missing out – should be brought back into the climate debate, as other countries such as the US and China were making significant moves on the transition."

You begin to wonder what he's been smoking...

DiscoveredJoys said...

For politicians and bureaucrats a chair is seldom withdrawn before the music stops. It may be covered in a different coloured silk, and it may be over there rather here, but patronage still works and favoured bottoms will still have a seat.

And because no chair is removed there is no need to go back and explain why the chair was removed. Explain why so many chairs are added, perhaps.

A K Haart said...

Sam - it's such a weird way of describing what is obviously a reckless experiment at best. So obviously selling phantoms, yet treated seriously by the usual suspects.

Scrobs - yes, it's such a bizarre way of describing a fragmented mess.

DJ - unfortunately you are right, chairs are added in this game.