
Friday 12 April 2024

Just Call Ed


We may assume that Net Zero envisages a vast increase in this type of recycling activity. Maybe "Sir" Ed Davey knows how it is going to work. Or Ed Miliband. Or some other Ed. 



Sam Vega said...

It's not as if they've got a safe and economically viable way of disposing of the batteries anyway. I imagine lots of people are delaying dealing with them until there are more or cheaper options. Apparently it costs a fortune to get rid of them, so somewhere along the line they will be hanging around, in larger or smaller numbers.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes it's a cart before horse problem caused by stupidly intransigent politics. As far as we know it isn't even safe to store defunct EV batteries, but they will accumulate at an enormous rate if government targets are met. Crazy games.

Scrobs. said...

All they'll do is stockpile them like they did old fridges!

Del Boy will make a fortune, but by then, Rachel Reeves will have taxed the hell out of the business, so they'll just get dumped by roadsides etc...

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - probably piled up in fields on top of clapped out solar farms.