
Monday 15 April 2024

Hypocrisy - it just evolves

Mr. Airlie, picking daintily at his food, continued his stories: of philanthropists who paid starvation wages: of feminists who were a holy terror to their women folk: of socialists who travelled first-class and spent their winters in Egypt or Monaco: of stern critics of public morals who preferred the society of youthful affinities to the continued company of elderly wives: of poets who wrote divinely about babies' feet and whose children hated them.

Jerome K. Jerome - All Roads Lead to Calvary (1919)


Sam Vega said...

They like to present a moving target. Cover up and move on to the next opportunity.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, it's one of those cases where it isn't admirable to upcycle what we've picked up from the past.