
Monday 8 April 2024

What an odd thing to do

Ofcom launches investigation into alleged rule breach by Labour's David Lammy

A radio show hosted by shadow foreign secretary David Lammy is being investigated by Ofcom after it received more than 50 complaints.

The MPs' register of financial interests shows Mr Lammy earns around £1,000 per episode, with his latest entry seeing him paid £5,460 for five shows in January.

And alongside a number of other speaking commitments, he is often cited as the highest-paid Labour MP for his work outside of parliament.

I can't imagine turning on the radio to listen to David Lammy. What an odd thing to do. However - 

This morning we popped into a Costa coffee shop after visiting a garden centre and negotiating the third world roads around Eastwood. It was probably something to do with kids still being off school because of the Easter holidays, but Costa was certainly very busy. 

For the staff it was non-stop, pushing out the orders, clearing the tables and still the queue was no shorter. They hardly had any respite while were there and no doubt weren't paid much above the minimum wage.  

MPs are extremely well paid compared to Costa Baristas because... 

Well - it's an interesting question.


decnine said...

... because they control access to The Trough.

dearieme said...

He is a bit Lammy-brained, isn't he?

Sam Vega said...

Working in a busy retail outlet would be really beneficial for Lammy. He'd gain experience of the real world - I think he's had about three years legal practice in America before entering politics - and that would help his proletarian credentials. It would also get some of the lard off him. It's difficult to claim the moral high ground as Foreign Secretary when you look like a sybaritic African dictator.

A K Haart said...

decnine - that's it, it's just power.

dearieme - he is, but his future career could be entertaining.

Sam - ha ha, a "sybaritic African dictator" fits him very well. The lardy look isn't good for his image at all.