
Thursday 4 April 2024

BBC bias ten years on

Back in March, David Keighley wrote a News-watch piece about his ten years spent attacking BBC bias.


ASTONISHINGLY, it is almost ten years since I first wrote my first blog for The Conservative Woman website. By that time, I had been friends with and worked with Kathy Gyngell – whose brainchild it was – for almost 30 years, 14 of them in trying to hold the BBC in check over its outrageously pro-EU coverage, through News-watch.

The springboard to that blog a decade ago? The BBC’s incestuous, self-serving infatuation with Glastonbury. I noted that the Corporation was sending its usual hundreds-strong army to mount disproportionately lavish coverage of the event.

And why? I argued that in the BBC’s warped events diary, this was a ‘woke’ happening par excellence – because at its heart was support for a galaxy of right-on causes such as climate alarmism, led that year by Greenpeace.

Anyone paying attention will know this, but the whole piece is well worth reading as a reminder that no major political party and no government is ever likely to do anything constructive about BBC bias. The political risk isn't worth it. 

Many MPs appear to rationalise this persistent failure by learning to see voters in much the same way that the BBC sees viewers - as the audience. 

We seem to have an inward-looking Parliamentary culture where viewers are voters and voters are viewers and neither guise makes them into decision-makers.    

A decade on has anything changed at the BBC, and is it likely to any time soon? Sadly, no. In late January, Lucy Frazer, the useless Tories’ Culture Secretary, very belatedly released the BBC’s Mid-Term Review (MTR)...

The MTR supposedly beefed up the complaints process by suggesting that Ofcom should become more rigorous about BBC bias. The reality is that since 2017 Ofcom has seen fit to investigate only a handful of BBC complaints. Most of its Content Board have strong BBC connections and instead focus their energies on attacking GB News.

Thus, nothing is happening to halt the ‘progressive’ agenda embraced by everyone at the BBC from the Director General downwards. All anyone can now do to resist BBC bias is to stop watching.


DiscoveredJoys said...

Defund the BBC - or better still sell everything off and return the money to those who have paid the licence.

Win win.

A K Haart said...

DJ - defunding the BBC would be a sure sign that things have changed and perhaps that's partly why it seems so unlikely.

Doonhamer said...

The only thing of value in the BBC is its Back Catalogue. Real comedy. Real drama. Real documetary. Real music.
When the Craporation eventually goes tits up the residue management must not be able to grab this. See Qinetiq, Water companies, PPI. Breakfast TV.
It was paid for and belongs to the UK public. And we do not care who else in the World evesdrops. Like out of copyright literature.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - it's an interesting question, the value of the Back Catalogue. I've never seen a value put on it, but you are right, it belongs to the UK public who paid for it.