
Saturday 20 April 2024

More than gestures

Jean Hatchet has an interesting Critic piece which reminds us yet again that many people expect far too much integrity from established political parties. 

A Labour of unrequited love

It will take more than vague apologetic gestures to redeem the Labour Party

For many years now, women have appealed to the Labour Party to try to understand the fundamental clash between women’s rights and the unfair demands of the trans activist movement, which would erode those rights. They have done it as individuals, in organised groups such as Labour Women’s Declaration, and as Labour MPs in the case of Rosie Duffield or Tonia Antonazzi. All of these women have been ignored by Labour at best — and allegedly bullied at worst.

The piece is well worth reading as a reminder of what Keir Starmer's Labour party is and how absurd it is to expect his leadership to provide worthwhile political oversight of government. His party is entirely incapable of doing that and there is no indication whatever that it can be reformed.

Standing up to bullies makes bullies fearful, and some in Labour must be feeling very, very uncomfortable just now. Let’s hope at least some of them are somewhere in the House of Commons corridors, scribbling out their unreserved apologies to deliver to the press and that Keir Starmer’s scrap of paper says:


Sam Vega said...

I don't really understand why the Cass Report has been such a catalyst. As far as I can tell, it seemed to be looking at a tiny area relating to studies of services to children, and was so dry and meticulous that most commentators relied on broad summaries.

Starmer and his team were way beyond that, inhabiting a world of ideological stupidity that even a child could see. The idea of a future Prime Minister (Gad! The future Prime Minister!) thinking that some small number of women have penises is risible. If you said that in a work or social context, you would be rejected as unfit for sensible conversation.

We didn't need Cass to tell us that, but if her report is the catalyst, then so much to the good. But I'd still prefer it if some member of the public had just burst out laughing in his presence, and the whole country had an "Emperor's New Clothes" moment.

Meanwhile, when's that election?

DiscoveredJoys said...

@Sam Vega

I suspect that the Cass Report has been such a catalyst for at least two reasons.

The first is that it was dry and meticulous and instead of saying that a cult took over part of the NHS for ideological reasons it pointed out that massive medical intervention was promoted with little or no scientific proof. Politically polarised reports can be politically argued with - it's much tougher to argue with 'there's no scientific proof to justify what was done'.

The second reason is that the trans debate has fed upon itself to the point of absurdity. The Cass report provides a means of breaking free of that absurdity.

Sir IKEA still has to apologise for taking the knee though.

A K Haart said...

Sam - the Cass Report is probably seen by loons as a foot in the door. It's hard to see why Starmer doesn't use it to climb out of his world of ideological stupidity, but he clearly doesn't care about anything beyond ideology unless it ceases to be ideology. He has the the potential to be the worst PM ever if he really makes an effort.

A K Haart said...

DJ - a problem we face is that we can break free of the absurdity by putting it behind us, but the record of it is still there and it's a shameful record. Many people such as Starmer should respond by walking away from public life but they won't, so the absurdity is in a sense perpetuated. It's better for them if it is perpetuated as a slight ideological glitch.