
Friday, 19 May 2023


Rolls-Royce completes successful tests of 'game changer' UltraFan engine in Sinfin

It has been described as an 'historic moment' for the city-based engineering giant

It is so powerful that its gearbox can transmit the same power as an entire grid of Formula 1 cars at maximum speed. The first tests were conducted using 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), a biofuel made from waste-based sustainable feedstocks such as used cooking oils.

Great stuff. What we need is some kind of inducement to eat more fish and chips, burgers and kebabs to increase the oily feedstock. 

Yes we could render down a few politicians, but a more practical way forward would be via school meals. Schools could be graded on the number of fish and chip meals they serve per year. A tasty lesson in green cookery for the kids.

Here's another idea - kids could work for a badge by eating extra fish and chips. The badge would say something like "I'm A Fatty Food UltraFan." 


Sam Vega said...

Obviously, the Chinese will develop this and come out on top. Just look at their fried food compared to the west. Macdonalds chips are thin and dry, and get cold quickly, but Chinese takeaways do those big fat delicious chips. Scotland looks promising, although the Nats will want to keep all the oil.

johnd2008 said...

Does it smell like a chip shop ?

Scrobs. said...

Absolutely right on politicians!

We could build a couple of these engines in every town, boil up the politicians, and use the power to generate enough free electricity for all, then have another election in time for the next fuel input!

What could go wrong?

Doonhamer said...

Oh, good. Another reason for cutting / burning down jungle and planting palm oil.
It is green and it makes rich Asians richer. Shame about the orangutan.
But, hey, what's a few birds, whales or any other wild life when you are Saving The Planet?

A K Haart said...

Sam - and apparently there are people in China who are already adept as salvaging cooking oil from sewers.

John - maybe it will make huge areas smell like a chip shop.

Scrobs - What could go wrong? Think of the aroma.

Doonhamer - lots of oil in whales and somebody has to jet off to all the climate conferences.

dearieme said...

I saw an allusion recently to an "inside-out Wankel engine". I found the explanation provided useless.

But this youtube is good fun. We seem to have a three-chamber, two-stroke, air-cooled snazzy thing.

dearieme said...


A K Haart said...

dearieme - I've visited a few sites which aim to explain the LiquidPiston engine but they didn't explain the key advantages over a Wankel particularly well. Your third link does that and I've bookmarked the second link for later.