
Monday 22 May 2023

Because we have five fingers

Sir Keir Starmer questioned on how Labour's 'five missions' plan for NHS will be funded

The Labour leader unveiled a swathe of ambitions for the NHS in a speech in Essex.

The NHS formed one of the five missions Sir Keir laid out in February that will be the core of his election manifesto heading into 2024.

They are:
  • Secure the highest sustained growth in the G7
  • Build an NHS fit for the future
  • Make Britain's streets safe
  • Break down the barriers to opportunity at every stage
  • Make Britain a clean energy superpower

There are 'five missions' because we have five fingers. Excruciatingly dull because voters aren't supposed to remember them. 


The Jannie said...

An NHS fit for the future? Let's refloat the Titanic.

Sam Vega said...

"Make Britain's streets safe"

We certainly don't want any kidnapping, raping and murdering police officers twisting their ankle on some uneven pavements.

DiscoveredJoys said...

"Break down the barriers to opportunity at every stage"

Bring back Grammar Schools? Oh no, that would require people to separate pupils... too judgemental. And without such intervention the whole policy is holed below the waterline.

A K Haart said...

Jannie - yes, patch a few holes and the job's done.

Sam - it's why they prefer patrol cars, much safer that way.

DJ - Bring back Grammar Schools? The children of Starmer's social class might have to compete with clever kids from council estates.