
Tuesday 2 May 2023

It's all there


At the other end of the age-continuum we find the verbal behavior of senility—slow halting speech under faulty stimulus control, “forgotten” intraverbals, the rambling of trivial intraverbals and self-echoics, the reduced audience-control which makes for irrelevance, unchecked repetition, and so on.

B.F. Skinner - Verbal Behavior (1957) 


Sam Vega said...

I think this is just a temporary phase, and the presidential speech will soon be characterised by wild uncontrolled cackling. We'll know then that the poor old boy has died and Kamala is in control.

DiscoveredJoys said...

I've argued before that we are inbetween the outgoing Old Elite and the incoming New Elite (see Peter Turchin and Cliodynamics).

And so there's an explanation why we see oldsters like Biden (Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, some Supreme Court Judges, even Trump) hanging onto power like grim death for they are grim almost dead Old Elite.

You might also wonder if this last hurrah of the silver horde has crossed the Atlantic. I offer Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbot as examples but there are plenty of other MPs and members of the House of Lords who are long in years... although we tend to ease out the decrepit before they become too embarrassing.

Tammly said...

Is the real picture of the Biden presidency that it suits the Democrats to have a figurehead president fast approaching senility? It has been suggested, and I can see no other way, that the administration is being run by a 'backing committee' headed by Susan Rice and Barack Obama.

dearieme said...

Biden used to be a dolt and now he's a dotard.

Geriatric Joe
Trips out the fibbing in a rudiment'ry way
He learnt when all the other kids went out to play
To tarradiddle-doodle all the day.

But he's always been corrupt, I imagine.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, cackling could take over from mumbling but incoherence stays. What a prospect.

DJ - I can't see it making much difference if the restraints, pressures and lobbying remain the same. The machinery of government and influence seems to have become substantially autonomous and although we can detect human agency, it tends to be little more than a visible link in the invisible chain.

Tammly - I think you are right, it does suit the Democrats to have a figurehead president controlled by a small group. They probably think all presidents should be figureheads and nothing more.

dearieme - yes, old videos of Biden do suggest he was always dim and possibly he always was corrupt. It certainly seems to be fairly common in the US.

Scrobs. said...

There's always Billary in the background, helping him with his tablets, checking the prescriptions etc...

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - and upping the dose when it seems to be necessary.