
Saturday, 25 January 2025

Shouting from the rooftops

Britain can learn from Trump’s positivity, says Rachel Reeves

Britain needs to learn from Donald Trump by being more positive and showing off its strengths, Rachel Reeves has said, signalling a shift in approach to Britain’s faltering economy.

The chancellor said people should be “shouting from the rooftops” and banging the drum for the UK following her trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, where she met global investors in her latest attempt to boost the economy after new figures showed only slight growth.

It isn't only 'positivity' whatever that is, it's also competence - that's what makes 'positivity' work.  

Anyhow, it's too cold to climb on the roof and I don't have a drum, otherwise it might be worth shouting about excessive taxation, absurd immigration numbers, a bloated bureaucracy, stifling regulations, government incompetence and the monumental stupidity of Net Zero.  

Oh, and a Prime Minister and Cabinet who seem quite incapable of learning anything.

By gum, Rachel from Accounts is useless.


DiscoveredJoys said...

I'm not going to delve into the various methods of voting to avoid anomalous results or unexpected consequences. But I would assert that regarding Starmer & Co as an Accidental Government does help explain why they are so awful.

Sam Vega said...

One of the Reform MPs responded to Rachel's praise for Trumpian positivity by asking whether she would be deporting all foreign prisoners - just like Trump is doing.

So far, she hasn't answered.

dearieme said...

Good name for a 1960s pop group:

Sneir Squirmer and the Accidents.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I agree, they weren't prepared for government, not in a professional sense. I read somewhere that Starmer wanted to be Attorney General, not PM.

Sam - one of the parody sites might answer for her, probably worth watching too.

dearieme - good name, it suits the senior Cabinet bods very well.