
Friday, 17 January 2025

Soft Power

Foreign Secretary launches UK Soft Power Council

The Foreign Secretary and Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport have launched the UK Soft Power Council to drive UK growth and security.
  • Foreign Secretary launches Soft Power Council to help boost UK economic growth and security by bringing together experts from across culture, sport, the creative industries and geopolitics
  • this comes as the Culture Secretary convenes the Creative Industries Growth Summit and announces a £60 million funding boost for creative industries

Nothing to do with wind turbines or solar power apparently, and nothing to do with the political illusion of power and democracy. Instead, it appears to be a bung and a platform for luvvies.


The Jannie said...

"it appears to be a bung and a platform for luvvies."
As usual, when you are achieving bugger all, you have to invent something to shout about.

DiscoveredJoys said...

If I were the Dictator kind (which thank the Lord I'm not, sir) I'd take an alternative path. I'd wind up the Arts Councils and withdraw any other support for 'creative' charities. Artists are still going to do art, actors are still going to perform. Let culture sort them out.

A K Haart said...

Jannie - and it gives Lammy and Nandy something to do while being fairly cheap.

DJ - that would be one of my edicts too, and there is always the amateur route to being creative.

Sam Vega said...

From the press release:

The UK ranks in the top 3 across all major soft power indices, with global affinity for our culture and creative industries, sport, education and institutions. The soft power which these represent are a hugely important driver of UK economic growth and security. They deepen our relationships, build alliances and enhance our global influence. But, until now, there has been no mechanism to coordinate and amplify these sectors’ impact.

We're doing very well without the government having any input, so why don't we insist the government has some input? Yes, makes perfect sense to me.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, it's bonkers. Involve some of the least creative people in the UK and all will be well. It really is bonkers.