
Saturday, 25 January 2025

And the best is still to come

Streeting attacks Nigel Farage as ‘miserablist declinist’

Mr Streeting backed the Prime Minister, telling an audience at the Guildhall: “Let’s get stuck into 2025 with hope, optimism and confidence about Britain and its future.

“And let’s never forget how far we’ve come. People said Keir Starmer couldn’t win the Labour leadership and he did. They said he couldn’t change the Labour Party, and he did. They said he couldn’t win a general election. And he did.

“Now they say he can’t change our country, but he will. We’ve got a lot done, hell of a lot more to do. Change has only just begun. And the best is still to come.”

I wish Starmer's rabble would make more effort to be convincing. Maybe they aren't allowed to be more convincing than the Leader, which on the whole they aren't, but that's a very low bar indeed. Even if stepping out of line is a route to the backbenches, it's probably a step in the right direction for a leadership hopeful which I assume Wes is.

"Change has only just begun. And the best is still to come.”

Oh come on Wes, how many people are going to snigger at that? Most of your party, the entire mainstream media and not a few Cabinet members we may assume. Probably including you Wes, once you get home and close the front door. 


The Jannie said...

"the best is still to come.” It could only be . . .

Sam Vega said...

It shows how bereft of talent the front bench is when even the opening moves of a leadership challenge are so uninspiring.

Peter MacFarlane said...

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”…


“Now they say he can’t change our country, but he will. We’ve got a lot done, hell of a lot more to do. Change has only just begun. And the best is still to come.”

I agree, into an Islamist hellhole.

johnd said...

Seen from my far off perspective, I have read with open mouthed amazement at the continuing stupidities of the Starmer government.
Has no one in power stopped to ask, "If we do this, what is the likely result. How will this change affect the people concerned and will it bring in the desired result ?"
Is there no senior Civil Servant who is able to ask, "Are you sure, Minister?"
In four years time if they last that long, I can see former Labour ministers sitting among the wreckage of their political careers and the smouldering ruins of the UK, asking themselves what went wrong, it was such a cunning plan.

A K Haart said...

Jannie - It could only be me... hints Wes.

Sam - yes - "Oh you want a go now do you? Which reminds me, must get my verruca seen to."

Peter - or the potholes in the yellow brick road.

Anon - probably Balkanization I reckon. After that, who knows?

John - I wish we had that far off perspective.

dearieme said...

Stress Wetting, Stress Wetting, lend me your grey mare.
All along, down along, out along lea.
For I want for to go to Widecombe Fair,
With Rache Reeves, Ange Rayner, Dave Lammy,
Shrew Cooper, Weird Ed, Lord Harmer,
Old tyrant Sneir Squirmer and all,
Old tyrant Sneir Squirmer and all.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - ha ha, very good, but oh dear, what a crew they are, what a crew they are, what disastrous crew they are.

Tammly said...

With change like that, who needs destruction?

A K Haart said...

Tammly - yes, Wes forgot to mention that merely halting the destruction would be a change.