
Saturday 25 May 2024

The Original Klingon

Jeremy Corbyn kicked out of Labour after standing as independent in Islington North

Jeremy Corbyn was on Friday stripped of his Labour membership as he confirmed that he will stand as an independent candidate against the party he used to lead.

The veteran MP launched his general election campaign for Islington North.

Announcing his decision in the local newspaper, he said: “I am here to represent the people of Islington North on exactly the same principles that I’ve stood by my whole life: social justice, human rights and peace.”

In response Labour rushed through its selection process and announced Praful Nargund as its candidate for the seat.

I didn't realise he was still a member - or rather I've always known he's a bit of a member but didn't realise he was still a member of the Labour lot.

At least we have some interest seeping into the election - how many votes will Jeremy receive? No votes at all I hope, but then the Labour stooge will win so I also hope that Jeremy attracts a huge pile of votes to embarrass "Sir" Keir.

Two hopes for the price of one - what a bargain.


DiscoveredJoys said...

You can make the argument that Jeremy Corbyn represents the 'Original Labour' political alignment, if a little extreme.

You can also make the argument that many of the Conservative MPs who are standing down (e.g. John Redwood) are 'Original Conservative'.

Perhaps the exodus of non-managerial, non-technocratic, politicians is telling us something... what is left to vote for is a loose wet blancmange of near identical parties trying to 'seize the middle ground'. The parties are fighting the previous General Election.

Now if the Conservative MPs who have resigned were to start a new party, or join with Reform, then the General Election *might* become more interesting.

dearieme said...

"Praful Nargund": only a cynic would think they made that name up as a placeholder for whoever will eventually stand. Then accidentally printed it.

The Jannie said...

"The veteran MP" translates as "long-term employment avoider". Mind you, if he and his fellow scum are visualised as real workers, heaven alone knows what damage we've avoided. Corbyn the electrician, Corbyn the airline pilot, Corbyn the research scientist, Corbyn the anything other than the waste of space he is, really . . . .

Sam Vega said...

I think that there are several constitue ncies where "independents" (draped in Palestinian colours) are campaigning against Labour. And of course the Greens are morphing into an antisemitic socialist hate-group. Should be fun to watch.

A K Haart said...

DJ - a number of MPs who are on the way out may be planning to write books about the loose wet blancmange and why they decided to escape. One or two could even be worth reading.

dearieme - it's a pity some wag didn't choose a placeholder name such as Muchter Pilfa.

Jannie - he comes across as virtually unemployable outside politics. He's 75 years old and still as politically intransigent and obsessive as he's always been. He doesn't come across as entirely sane.

Sam - I think you are right about the Greens, an unpleasant bunch with some very sinister political attitudes, but yes it should all be fun to watch.

dearieme said...

Wot abaht Diane Abbott? Is she going to stand for the Old, Ill, Drunk Global Majority Party?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I think she is now going through some kind of resurrection process. Thunderstorms forecast tomorrow so there may be a connection.

Scrobs. said...

Re Diane, that means her left shoe of a pair will get soaked, but the right one won't...

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - that's because the right one is the wellie she forgot to change after gardening.