
Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Allenton Hippo

Following on from the previous post about uncertainty, there is in the Derby Museum a large glass case containing the partial skeleton of a hippopotamus found in Allenton in 1895 when Allenton was a village near Derby.

The Allenton hippo and other animal remains from Boulton Moor all originated from a feature known as the Allenton Terrace – a deposit of river gravels some 6 metres (20 ft) above the level of the modern River Derwent. The deposits have been dated to the Ipswichian Interglacial, approximately 120,000 years ago. The presence of a hippopotamus indicates that the climate was warmer than today. The winters would have no prolonged periods of frost and the average summer temperature would have been above 18 °C

We might expect that such an interesting exhibit would trigger Net Zero doubts in everyone who sees it. The hippo skeleton suggests rather strongly that 120,000 years ago Allenton was significantly warmer than it is now. The Net Zero uncertainty is so obvious, even an MP could spot it. Not Ed Davey perhaps, but most many some MPs.


Sam Vega said...

Obviously people generated massive amounts of C02 then and made the earth warm up. We just need to look for the elusive evidence of how they did it.

A K Haart said...

Sam - a hippo roast requires an enormous bonfire.

Anonymous said...

We have the same here in Devon. You can see the fossilised remains of the Honiton Hippo in the town's Allhallows Museum - "The museum also displays fossils and historic artefacts from archaeological digs in the area. The most famous being the Honiton Hippo. The fossilised remains of seventeen hippos were found during the construction of the bypass in 1965. The hippos are thought to have lived in the area during a warm interlude in the Ice Age, when England had a climate similar to that in Africa today."

DiscoveredJoys said...

Clearly the driver of Climate Change is not anthropogenic but hippogenic.

A K Haart said...

Anon - interesting, thanks for that. Next time we're in Devon we might get to visit the museum because we often visit Honiton.

A K Haart said...

DJ - and it could still be going on as hippos must eat vast quantities of vegetable material.

Doonhamer said...

The post title led me to believe that this might something related to Labour selections.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - she crossed my mind too.