
Saturday 11 May 2024

It's as bad as the US

A top Cambodian opposition politician is charged with inciting disorder for criticizing government

The leader of a recently formed Cambodian opposition party has been charged with inciting social disorder, his lawyer said Saturday, in the third major legal action this month targeting critics of the government of Prime Minister Hun Manet,...

Cambodia's government has long been accused of using the judicial system to persecute critics and political opponents. The government insists it promotes the rule of law under an electoral democracy, but political parties seen as mounting strong challenges to the ruling Cambodian People’s Party have been dissolved by the courts or had their leaders jailed or harassed.


Sam Vega said...

How crude! We have a far more civilised system, where courts are used to undermine and reverse legislation that the establishment don't like. There's no need to get personal about this sort of thing.

Scrobs. said...

Won't be long before a few cities in dear old UK will have this sort of issue...

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes it is crude, but the benefits of civilised decline are not open to all.

Scrobs - all of them sooner or later.