
Monday 27 May 2024

A move in the game

General Election 2024: Sunak 'to double down on National Service plan' as Tories and Labour focus on security

The prime minister is reportedly planning to urge employers to prioritise applications from those who have served in the military. Labour are focusing on security as the "bedrock" of their manifesto...

Security will also be the focus of the day for Labour, with Sir Keir Starmer expected to say in a keynote speech "economic security, border security, and national security" will form the "bedrock" of the party manifesto.

Finally we have an interesting move in the game. Not interesting in the sense of offering a whiff of sound political oversight, that ship sailed long ago, but as a move in the game it's interesting. Crude, sleazy and blatantly opportunistic - but interesting - as a move.

Nobody in their wildest dreams thinks of "Sir" Keir Starmer as having the remotest interest or capability when it comes to national defence. We already know he'd hand everything over to the EU if he could. Then take a glance at the rabble from which he'll choose his ministers. Begin with Rayner, Lammy, Dodds and Miliband - a horrible basis for waffling about national defence.

Nobody thinks thinks of  Rishi Sunak as having the remotest interest in national defence either, but he made the move first. Which makes it interesting, because in this game, the national defence game, other moves suggest themselves almost automatically. For now it's interesting. 


Sam Vega said...

You're right. If crusty old colonels or swivel-eyed militarists talk about security, we'd probably believe they meant what they said. But both Sunak and Starmer have the air of someone who is playing a political game. They have been told that these issues matter to a neglected demographic, so they are doing their best to make the right noises, as best might an Indian plutocrat nerd and a liberal metropolitan lawyer. It's like watching someone playing Monopoly when they don't care about making money and don't understand about buying houses and hotels. I look forward to Starmer wearing the flak jacket and steel helmet in his visits to the military. He'll look even more ill at ease than on the Gay Pride march and when taking the knee.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Crude, sleazy and blatantly opportunistic - but interesting - as a movie.

You might even think that this movie script is the latest effort at frightening the populace into compliance. Climate Change has run out of puff. Wearing masks 'against' COVID has also run its course. So that's two of the Four Horsemen (Famine and Death) returned to the stable, leaving only Conquest and War to be exploited by The Powers That Be.

Cynical, moi?

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, we'll probably see both of them pretending to drive a tank, although Sunak probably thinks Starmer will look sillier. Sunak does seem to avoid looking ill at ease when compared to Starmer.

DJ - I like your idea that they have used up two of the Four Horsemen. It's a sobering thought that a person such as Starmer would be taking a political risk were he to use such a metaphor.
Loons would be all over it with screeching denunciations they have just invented.