
Sunday 12 May 2024

Gizza job

Conservative defector to Labour ‘was bitter at not getting ministerial job’

Tory defector Natalie Elphicke stormed out of the party and joined Labour because she was “bitter” about being denied a ministerial job in charge of housing policy, senior Conservative sources have told the Observer...

On Saturday, Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, defended the decision to accept Elphicke. He said defectors must be treated as “converts, not traitors” and urged more to follow suit. 

"Sir" Keir's future difficulties seem to be stacking up even before the election. I wonder how Angela is getting on?

Police 'make contact with Angela Rayner' over her two-homes row

Police have contacted Angela Rayner to arrange a date for officers to quiz Labour's deputy leader over her housing row, it emerged today.

Anything else apart from the rabble? Net Zero, Gaza, Ukraine, immigration, knife crime... 

The poor sap hasn't a hope.


Sam Vega said...

Tory defector Natalie Elphicke stormed out of the party and joined Labour because she was “bitter” about being denied a ministerial job in charge of housing policy, senior Conservative sources have told the Observer...

Maybe she did, but that sounds exactly what senior Tories would say to discredit her. Lee Rowley has been housing minister since November. Did Elphicke honestly think she could bounce him out of it with a General Election looming? Doesn't pass the sniff test.

Scrobs. said...

Reading the term, 'Government guidance' means that she'll be let off lightly.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes it does sound like something senior Tories would say, although it doesn't feel like a cool political assessment either.

Scrobs - I hope not, it's nice to see a running sore for Starmer still running.

James Higham said...

Not looking good for Britain, AKH.

dearieme said...

Easy peasy. "Sir" Kneel should put Natalie in charge of Angela's personal housing policy.

A K Haart said...

James - it isn't and it feels irreversible now.

dearieme - worth watching too, they could sell tickets for it.