
Thursday 30 May 2024

Herding the rabble

Labour’s candidate uncertainty overshadows campaign as Starmer accused of purge

Questions about whether Diane Abbott will be barred from standing again remain as the party suspended one candidate and declined to endorse another...

Meanwhile, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, who was MP for Brighton Kemptown, said he has been suspended by Labour over what he called a “vexatious and politically motivated complaint” against him, and that he cannot stand under the Labour banner at the election.

And the PA news agency understands that Faiza Shaheen has not been endorsed to be the Labour candidate for Chingford & Woodford Green in north-east London after she allegedly liked a series of posts on X that downplayed antisemitism accusations.

All three are on the left of the party.

It isn't easy to work out what the political left v right nonsense is supposed to signify, but it seems important to Starmer's lot, especially those hoping for a ministerial car, nice office and some congenial international travel. 

Meanwhile, the nutters, freaks, charlatans, race-grifters, spite-peddlers and imbeciles are fine as long as they loudly support the leadership or join one of the internal factions.

It's a minute nano-consolation, but perhaps it's just as well we have a permanent administration. Doomed we may be, but there are levels of doom even now.


dearieme said...

Was it a couple of years ago that Labour suddenly started punishing people guilty of antisemitism? What struck me as odd was that often the words quoted against them were clearly directed against the government of Israel rather than being anti-Semitic. Did that mean it was all just dirty politics or did it mean that their antisemitic remarks were felt to be too vile to publish? I don't suppose I'll ever know.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - my memory is that the Labour drive against antisemitism began with Starmer, but I was never sure if the words used were directed against the government of Israel rather than being anti-Semitic. I suspect dirty politics and antisemitic remarks too vile to publish are both in there.

Sam Vega said...

Starmer's campaign against the extreme left-wing nutters has been very heavy-handed and guaranteed to stir up animosity in the party. Maybe he is so confident of a clear victory that he thinks it best to be shot of them. But the risk seems to be that those he throws out or alienates will form a Green/Islamic/Marxist/ coalition and take seats off him.

Fun for us, because we know where to look for political comedy, and it makes MI5's job a bit easier too.

A K Haart said...

Sam - he seems intent on trying to copy the way Blair made the party electable, but lacks the charisma and seems to lack the competent schemers around him to make it work. The HoC just doesn't seem to attract talented people. It never was crammed with them but we seem to have hit a low point in that respect.

dearieme said...

Maybe Starmer is a CIA plant.

That's what leftie Labour people used to say about people such as Woy Jenkins, Dennis Healey, and even Harold Wilson. Of course there were also accusations that Wilson worked for the USSR, or South Africa, or Mossad. He was such a twisty little bugger he might have worked for all four.

dearieme said...

Years ago my wife saw a local Conservative candidate selection close up. All the people who'd put themselves forward came across as crooks, clowns, or madmen. There was one exception: a young, local barrister who had been known to many of the panel since he was a boy. So they awarded it to him.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - it would be no surprise if Starmer is a plant of some kind, he constantly gives the impression of doing a job for other people.

That young, local barrister sounds like an opportune way to avoid the crooks, clowns and madmen. I wonder how many selection committees know enough about the candidate they choose and how many have someone foisted on them because so few able people want the job.