
Tuesday 21 May 2024


 From the video description -

In 2018, Joe Biden bragged about using US taxpayer dollars to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired. Shokin said he was fired because he was investigating Burisma, which had given Hunter Biden millions of dollars.


Sam Vega said...

There are two remarkable things about this. The first is that the old boy seemed almost compos mentis. He's either deteriorated markedly in six years, or a lot of the doddering is an act to avoid dealing with things.

The second is that this is what is called "evidence". Maybe thirty years ago or more, this would have counted for something. Today, though, anyone supporting Biden would ignore, discredit, or twist it. Something has changed, and we lived through it, so we hardly notice.

A K Haart said...

Sam - it could be an act, but if so it is very comprehensive and consistent, even down to the way he walks. I think it shows how marked the decline has been and suggests his handlers can't expect him to make it through a second term.

Yes, attitudes towards evidence have changed. It's another area which has become political in that there cannot be any evidence which discredits the ruling consensus, including evidence of criminal activity. The memory hole is real.

Scrobs. said...

The excuses about his senility will evaporate when he loses in November.

The ranks are closing as we speak!

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - then the gloves will come off. It won't be pretty either way.