
Friday 10 May 2024

The failure of hyper-inclusion

Kurt Mahlburg has a useful piece in Mercator on the woes of the US scout movement.

'Boy Scouts of America' is rebranding. Now it's gender-neutral

Boy Scouts of America announced this week that it will rebrand itself as ‘Scouting America’ in a bid to reflect “the organisation’s ongoing commitment to welcome every youth and family in America to experience the benefits of Scouting”.

“Though our name will be new, our mission remains unchanged: we are committed to teaching young people to be Prepared. For Life,” the group’s President and CEO Roger Krone said in a press release.

“This will be a simple but very important evolution as we seek to ensure that everyone feels welcome in Scouting.”

The whole piece is well worth reading as yet another reminder that prizes for all means nobody wins prizes and if everybody is special then nobody is special. Also an oblique reminder that this is what woke culture promotes for the plebs - a world of nobodies. This could be where the seeds of its collapse are planted. 

Absurd as it all sounds, here lies exposed the achilles’ heel of wokeness. By welcoming everyone into the building, you collapse it.

Or to quote Dash from the 2004 film The Incredibles, who was responding to his mother’s half-hearted claim that “everyone is special” — “that’s just another way of saying no one is”.

Here’s a thought. Maybe the last decade’s worth of hyper-inclusion explains why Boy Scouts of America’s membership is at historic lows.


dearieme said...

I enjoyed the Wolf Cubs but did not precede to the Scouts - just more of the same, I assumed.

Presumably I wouldn't have liked Boy Scouts of America - did they recite pledges, and put their hands on their hearts, and show other evidence of part-feminisation?

Sam Vega said...

our mission remains unchanged: we are committed to teaching young people to be Prepared. For Life

Presumably they need to prepare for finding people of either sex in the latrine tent, and to withstand lectures on why Baden Powell was an evil colonial oppressor. Because I'm sure that's the general drift of things.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I went to Cubs once but wasn't impressed enough to go again. I don't know what Boy Scouts of America were like, but hands on hearts sounds likely.

Sam - I'm sure that's the general drift of things too. No wonder numbers are plummeting.

James Higham said...

Moved from dark green to khaki outfits and silly hats.

A K Haart said...

James - I don't remember the outfits at all. Green pullovers perhaps.