
Friday 31 May 2024


Greens launch general election campaign promising 'real hope and real change' in bid to woo disillusioned Labour voters

Co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay asked voters to elect at least four of its candidates to parliament, arguing it will keep pressure on Labour to be more "ambitious" and less "timid" if it forms the next government.

The Green Party has accused Labour of failing to offer "the real change" voters need as it launched its general election campaign in Bristol.

There is something fascinating about the Greens and it isn't easy to work out what it is. It comes across as the velvet glove of green fantasy and the iron fist of totalitarian politics in a slow political gestation phase. 

Perhaps it's the slowness of the gestation phase, it appears to be sending them mad. Which of course is fascinating. Political madness is fascinating from a distance.

I can imagine chatting with non-fanatical supporters of the Conservative, Labour or Lib Dem parties, but not with a supporter of the Green party. They seem to rule out the non-fanatical aspect and that's essential for civilised conversation over coffee.


microdave said...

"It comes across as the velvet glove of green fantasy and the iron fist of totalitarian politics in a slow political gestation phase"

They're known as "Melons" - Green on the outside, Red on the inside...

A K Haart said...

Dave - and it's a good name for them. No nourishment in them either.

dearieme said...

Do Americans still enjoy eating watermelons and spitting out the pips?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I believe some do it competitively.